Resilience is an important part of marathon running, as it allows runners to cope with physical and mental fatigue, and to keep going even when faced with adversity. Here are some tips for building resilience and staying mentally strong during a marathon:
- Set incremental goals: Break the marathon down into smaller, more manageable segments, like 5k blocks.
- Visualize success: Think about what it will feel like to finish the race.
- Prioritize recovery: Take time to recover after the race to flush out the chemical effects of the race.
- Stay flexible: Be adaptable and grow throughout the race.
- Create a pre-run routine: Establish a consistent routine before each run.
- Trust the process: Have faith in your training and your ability to c0mplete the race.
Running can also help build resilience in other areas of life, as it requires discipline and perseverance to keep going even on difficult days. Research suggests that runners tend to be happier and have higher levels of positive attitude markers.